mission. Vision. Values.


At EBCM, we commit to “Send equipped and mature disciples of Jesus to change our world.” 

A Emmanuel, nous nous engageons  à "Envoyer des disciples équipés et matures de Jésus-Christ pour le changement du monde."

(Matthieu 28: 16-20; Actes1 :8 ; Eph 4 : 11-16 ; Col 1:28; Jean 20:21).

our church


As a church community, we envision to:

1- Encourage growth amongst our members as they navigate life from the beginning of their spiritual journey to a state of transformative maturity while offering our members a space to live life in the image of Christ and produce visible spiritual fruit.

2- Provide guidance to prepare mature disciples with essential resources that can assist in their ability to reach out to the congregation, the community, and the world at large.

3- Produce a church body of committed disciples who love God and others to the utmost degree.

4- Equip our members to engage with God and others by cultivating and maintaining exceptional loving relationships.

5- Commit to Christian lives of transformation by providing growth opportunities for our members and visitors to:

* answer God’s call exceptionally.
* lead and/or participate in various weekly small group offerings which encourage individuals to use their God-given gift (s) in the most supportive manner.
* make use of exceptional preaching, teaching, and training opportunities.



6- Manifest our love for God by celebrating with each other through praise and worship, individual commitments, sharing our talents, our gifts, our time, and our possessions in various ministry opportunities.

7- Share our love for our visitors and surrounding communities through service, support, sacrifice, selected community outreach programs, and fellowship.

8- Create and maintain a diverse & equitable church community by welcoming, loving, and nurturing our guests/visitors and our members.

9- Foster first-rate family values, relationships, and spiritual development through our teaching and support ministries. The family is the core of the church.

10- Engage our leaders, staff and members through fostering a continuous culture of discipleship development within the church body in order to encourage disciples to create a ripple effect by helping to cultivate more disciples within the church community, surrounding communities and beyond, one individual at a time.



Spiritual Growth

Spiritual transformation is at the core of everything we are doing. We believe a society spiritually transformed is the start of changing our world. 



With our love from Jesus we both share the Gospel and provide services to our community 



We do everything in ministry with a standard that reflects the glory and magnificence of our God. 


Sacrificial Giving

We start by offering ourselves to God's service. We give deliberately to God's kingdom. Our giving is a sign of God's love with all our minds, hearts, and spirit. 



Flowing from our love for God. 



Love cell and mirror God's design.